


※清晨,教室是一片的鮮潔和安靜,同學放開嗓子隨著老師的拍子唱這首老歌,在後座的我,也感受了那份學習的熱力。回家後,在YOU TUBE Demis Roussos年少的唱法,曲調柔美,有股憂鬱的韻味,而老年的唱腔,較為厚實成穩,更讓我喜愛!


Rain and Tears(Aphrodite's Child)

 Rain and tears are the same

But in the sun, you've got to play the game

When you cry in winter time

You can't pretend it's nothing but the rain


How many times I've seen

Tear's coming from you blue eyes

Rain and tears are  the same

But in the sun, you've got to play the game


 Give me an answer of love

I need the an answer of love

Rain and tears in the sun

But in your heart,

You feel the rainbow waves



Rain and tears both I shun [ʃʌn]迴避

for in my heart

there'll never be a sun

Rain and tears are all the same

But in the sun, you've got to play the game


Aphrodite's child合唱團於60 年代中期成軍, 是一個前衛搖滾樂團(1967-1972),團員都曾受過古典音樂的訓練,主要成員有三:Vangelis PapathanassiouKeyboards)、Demis RoussosBass guitar and vocals)、Loukas SiderasDrums and vocals),主唱是Demis Roussos 他們的第一隻單曲Rain and tears 採用PachelbelCanon形式完成,1968年在法國發行,立刻引起轟動。於是乘勝追擊,於同年年底出版專輯End of the worldRain and Tears一曲也收錄其中,成為西洋老歌中讓人難忘的一首經典作品.





出生於埃及的希臘歌手(Demis Roussos),童年時期沉浸在民俗音樂, 17歲時組成了他的第一個樂團,並成為主唱。1967年與范吉利斯唱(Rain And Tears),造成轟動,一夕成名。Demis Roussos新專輯「Demis」一樣是獨特高亢的美聲,但融合了大量的南方搖滾以及靈魂藍調福音等黑人音樂元素,首支暢銷單曲"Love Is"盡情地展現無私大愛的世界觀,"Help Me"則是以簡單的原聲吉他伴奏、重新詮釋貓王Elvis Presley名曲,結尾曲"Who Gives A Fuck" 則彷彿回到『愛神之子』時期,再次恣意把玩迷幻搖滾。


