


從白金漢宮橫穿過St. James’s Park,就可以到禁衛騎兵團部(Horse Guards)的後廣場,所以看完禁衛軍遊行後,可以遊St. James’s Park和到Horse Guards和禁衛騎兵做近距離的接觸,既新鮮又有趣!






這是皇家騎兵衛隊校閱場(Horse Guards Parade),每年六月英國女王生日時,都會在此舉行皇家軍隊閱兵典禮,為女王慶生,場面十分熱鬧,女王乘坐的馬車,更是金碧輝煌,古色古香。





每天早上十點,Life Guard 〈近身衛隊〉Blue &Royals〈藍軍與皇軍〉各有一隊人馬在校閱場舉行交接儀式,他們穿戴整齊劃一的代表性制服,在廣場上對峙,互相叫陣,繞場一周,拔配劍,喊口令,牽馬退場,而後接班的騎兵會騎馬至大門口站崗,整個過程還蠻有趣的。〈網站照片〉。















Horse Guards fronts Horse Guards Parade, the vast parade ground where the Queen takes the salute at the Trooping of The Colour ceremony on her official birthday. The building was designed by William Kent, the then Chief Architect to George II.

House Guards is constantly guarded by troopers of the Household Cavalry. Two mounted cavalry troopers are posted outside daily from 10 am to 4 pm, and are relieved every hour.

The Guard Changing Ceremony takes place each weekday at 11:00am and at 10:00am on Sundays and is performend by The Queen's Life Guard










禁衛騎兵團部(Horse Guards)正門外,上午10點至下午4點,左右兩側有騎著高大黑馬的禁衛軍站崗,每隔一小時換崗一次,常吸引許多觀光客駐足欣賞,女性和小孩尤其喜歡和他們合照。




禁衛軍聯隊肩負了保護王室安危和參戰的任務,對他們的穿著,實在好奇,毛絨絨的高頂帽,看起來很可愛,但還滿滑稽的,查了一下書,發現他們一共有七個部隊,騎兵有兩隊,為Life Guard 〈近身衛隊〉Blue &Royals〈藍軍與皇軍〉步兵有五隊,為The Grenadier Guards(彈兵)The Coldstream Guards(冷流)The Scots Guards(駐蘇格蘭)The Irish Guards(駐愛爾蘭)The Welsh Guards(駐威爾斯),隨著軍種的不同,他們的帽飾、服飾顏色、扣子也略有不同,一般外人很難分辨。



























Admiralty arch is a ceremonial gateway that leads from the southwest corner of Trafalgar Square into The Mall. It was commissioned by King Edward VII in memory of his mother, Queen Victoria and was designed in 1910 by Sir Aston Webb.

There are five arches within the structure, three large central arches and two smaller ones on each outside. The small arches are for pedestrian traffic, the central arch is used by cars on state occasions only and the other two large arches are used by vehicles.

An unusual feature of the arch is its nose, which is built into the northernmost arch. No-one knows why it is there, although it has been suggested that it was added to honour the Duke of Wellington who was known for having a large nose



海軍拱門〈Admiralty Arch〉建於1910年,建築宏偉壯觀,為紀念維多利亞女王的功蹟而建,因在海軍總部附近而命名,其中間大門關閉,只供女王坐車通過,一般人民只能從兩邊小門進出,穿過拱門,就是特拉法加廣場〈Trafalgar Sq〉和最值得參觀的美術館--國家藝廊〈National








15號古董公車,內部可以看出陳舊的歷史,牡蠣卡也可用,但有車掌幫忙刷票,不確定他的路線,但發現會經過一些熱門景點,曾從St. Paul 搭到Picidini站,坐在裡面,有點像是回到古代的感覺!


有名的麗池飯店,在Green Park 附近。

















Downing Street is the well known address for the British Prime Minister who resides at number 10. Downing Street is located in Whitehall , just a few minutes walk from the Houses of Parliament.

Tourists visiting Downing Street will only be able to see the street through large iron gates at the entrance. You may also have to peer over some policemen as there are lots of security precautions in place. There is however a tour on the website if you want to see inside Number 10.





唐寧街1010 Downing Street),一處喬治風格建築物,是英國首相官邸。其樸實的黑色木門,綴上白色的阿拉伯數字10」,是獨特的標記。首相每天都會在唐寧街10號與閣僚和智囊制定政策,而一般的機要部門,如國會財政部外務部距唐寧街10號也只有數分鐘的路程,所以首相很容易便能夠取得情報和聯繫。另外,君主所居住的白金漢宮就在附近,好讓首相定期前往白金漢宮, 向 君主匯報政事。首相官邸內有不同的會議室和晚宴廳,首相會常常在那裡接見社會各界和各國領導人。因此,唐寧街10號象徵英國政府的中樞,也是英國政治權力核心之一。


