公主夜遊場景--Trafalgar Square


無意間在電視看了一部2015英國片-A Royal Night Out-兩位公主Elizabeth (Sarah Gadon)和Margret (Bel Powlery)微服出遊,一夜之間在London狂歡、追逐並和飛行員士兵Jack ( Jack Reynor)邂逅,整個劇情荒誕不經卻又溫馨浪漫,正可打發無聊的漫漫時光。


May 8th, 1945 – V.E. Day… a nation celebrates the victorious end to a long and costly war. Cloistered away in Buckingham Palace two princesses peer out longingly at the adoring crowd who ready themselves for the biggest party London has ever seen. Princess Elizabeth and her headstrong 15-year-old sister, Margaret, would give anything to join them…

Finally the King and Queen relent – the girls can go out, but two Royal Guardsmen will accompany them and they are to be home by midnight.

Excited and full of trepidation, the two princesses set forth, incognito. For Elizabeth it seems like a wonderful dream – one night where no one knows who she is. But, arriving at the Ritz Hotel she discovers her Mother has laid a trap. A formal reception, full of curtseys and polite conversation, awaits them.

Margaret takes her opportunity to escape, whisked away by a group of partying naval lieutenants, leaving Elizabeth to decide whether to chase after her fun-loving sister, raise the alarm, or fulfill her duties at the Ritz…. She takes a deep breath and disappears into the crowds to start the search.

Daunted by the city and its exuberant revelers, Elizabeth is anxious and vulnerable. Until she falls, quite literally, into the arms of a young airman, Jack. Over the course of the night this unlikely couple, the princess and the squaddie, stumble their way around the West End, searching for Margaret and opening each other’s eyes to their polar worlds. Both are disillusioned in their own way, unsure of what the post-war future holds, and both are carrying a secret – Jack is ignorant to Elizabeth’s true identity, and Elizabeth has no idea Jack has gone AWOL from the military.

As they journey from Trafalgar Square, via the Mall, to the dark heart of Soho, in search of Margaret, Elizabeth finds herself immersed in a London that is more complex than she had ever imagined. She experiences friendship, kindness, danger, and the flutterings of first love in this fairytale adventure.

By the time she and Margaret are back in the Palace, Elizabeth has changed forever. Their one night of freedom gives her courage to face her responsibilities… One night of magic that could all have been a dream…


其中的一場景,Margret跳進水池狂歡,地點就是Trafalgar Square前的水池,即National Gallery前面的大水池。


很喜歡到NationalGallery National Portrail Gallery看那兒的畫作,尤其是名家的作品,更讓人嘆為觀止。由於收藏的畫作太豐富了,我通常一次看一層,那兒是我下雨天鎖定的去處。

通常我都搭灰線到Green Park,從白金漢宮沿著林蔭大道(The Mall)漫步,穿過海軍拱門(Admiralty Arch)到特拉法加廣場,有時懶得走,就會搭黑線到Charing Cross,先到St Martin-in-the-Fields教堂沈澱一小時,再去國家藝廊看畫作。



特拉法加廣場是為紀念著名的特拉法爾加港海戰而修建的。法國在拿破崙執政後,於 1804 年 5 月,迫使西班牙一同渡海進攻英國。1805年10月21日,英國海軍上將納爾遜指揮的英國艦隊與法國、西班牙聯合艦隊在特拉法爾加港海面上作戰。沒想到英國艦隊以寡敵眾,一舉戰勝對方。但不幸的是,當海戰結束時,納爾遜上將因中了法國炮艦「恐怖號」的流彈而逝世。為了紀念這位功業彪柄的海軍上將,每年10月21日,許多人到特拉法爾加廣場悼念他。








二十以前,到Trafalgar Square遊逛時,廣場到處都是鴿子,餵鴿子是件有趣的事。但近年來,大倫敦政府立法禁止在廣場上餵食鴿子,如今廣場上的鴿子已近乎絕跡。