逛Columbia Road 花市








怎麼去Columbia Road 花市?出門,走到巷口馬路,先搭46號公車,再轉黑線地鐵,到old street那站下車,然後,穿過長長的街道,走了好久好久,終於到達。後來,朋友告訴我,可從old street搭個5站公車,較快到達,可是,我就是摸不著頭緒。

Every Sunday, along this narrow cobbled east London street, you can find over 50 market stalls selling flowers, plants, and gardening supplies. It's a truly vibrant experience.

The restored Victorian terraces along both sides of the street house art galleries and vintage clothes stores, plus pubs, cafes and restaurants. There are no chain stores here as this street is the preserve of independent retailers. This also makes the street popular with photographers and as a film location.

Thousands of gardeners visit Columbia Road Flower Market every Sunday to buy bulbs, plants and shrubs, and to see the exotic array of cut flowers. This tiny street gets really busy so go early for the best cut flowers. Even if you don't intend to buy any flowers, this market is great to visit as it is so colorful.

Many of the market traders are from Essex where they have their own nurseries to produce their own plants. Stock changes every week but expect to find cut flowers, herbaceous plants and shrubs, and an abundance of bedding plants.




賣花的小販,扯著嗓門,大聲地叫賣著--four pounds four pounds,

跟台灣花市的買賣截然不同,倒有點像拍賣會一般,到了下午三、四點,人潮更多的時候,簡直是清倉大拍賣,10 pounds往往可以買到三把玫瑰,好在有高人指點,我先東晃西晃,又去喝咖啡,到回去前再買,又發揮OBS的本能,討價還價,買到好幾種喜歡的盆景又買到最高興的價格。





在倫敦,只要是市集,一定有街頭藝人演唱,但良莠不齊,這組有三人,從早上看他們唱,到下午打道回府時,看到他們當街就分起琴盒的零錢,5penny, 10penny,20 penny 50penny, 1pound,分成三堆,各取一堆,覺得蠻有趣的。