Father Brown&Cotswolds !



Father Brown, one of the most quirkily genial and lovable characters to emerge from English detective fiction, first made his appearance in The Innocence of Father Brown in 1911. That first collection of stories established G.K. Chesterton's kindly cleric in the front rank of eccentric sleuths. This complete collection contains all the favourite Father Brown stories, showing a quiet wit and compassion that has endeared him to many, whilst solving his mysteries by a mixture of imagination and a sympathetic worldliness in a totally believable manner.
The series is set during the early 1950s, in the fictional
Cotswold village of Kembleford, where Father Brown is the parish priest at St Mary's Catholic Church solving crimes to the exasperation of a baffled police inspector who often arrests the wrong suspect. Father Brown uses his closest friends' abilities to solve a case even when they are suspected of the crime; and his vocation as a priest often gives him an insight to the truth, so that justice but occasionally not the letter of the law may be served. The time period is during Britain's emergence from the hardships of the Second World War, and the death penalty is still in effect for capital crimes such as murder.


很喜歡看BBC的Father Brown,從開始到結局,一集約一小時,劇情發展明快俐落,絕不拖泥帶水。只是重播的次數太多次而已!

Mark Williams)飾演的Father Brown,一副大智若愚的樣子,卻有料事如神的本領,往往能從離奇詭異的事端中尋找蛛絲馬跡,抽絲剝繭地探究,使案情水落石出,真相大白。他洞悉罪犯心理學又能曉以大義,引導罪犯接受法律制裁,讓自以為是的警探氣得牙癢癢的。他又以悲憫的心,救贖罪犯,引導其接受上帝,讓人萬分感動。


Cotswolds ,美麗的田園風光,讓人一覽無遺,尤其是古老的教堂,悅耳的鐘聲,古典風味的蜂蜜色石塊古宅,點綴在青山綠野中的牛羊,讓人回味無窮。曾遊歷過的小鎮,BROADWAY BOURTON-ON-THE-WATER BIBURY BURFORD,透過鏡頭, 彷彿又鮮活地重映眼前。

Father Brown (Mark Williams) is a slightly crumpled, shambolic and mild-mannered Roman Catholic priest and is, on the surface, easily forgotten. His apparent innocence belies a playful wit and a razor-sharp intellect. His greatest strength, both as a priest and as a detective of crime, is his love and understanding of other people. He’s not there to judge, but to save souls.


